Assignment 1

Follow the instructions in Lecture 02 and the documentation to log onto a configurable campus server (DSMLP).

Note, that in some cases, your username for logging-in may not be your usual username:

Students should login to the front-end nodes using either their UCSD email username (e.g. ‘jsmith’), or in some cases, a “course specific” account, e.g. “cs253wXX” for CSE253, Winter 2018. Consult the ITS/ETS Account Lookup Tool for instructions on activating course specific accounts.

Log-in to the Server

This is a multi-step process:

  1. Log into your home directory on a “jump-box server” using ssh.
  2. Use a launch script (e.g. to start up a container (this is a similar to a DataHub instance).
  3. Once you’ve launched you container, follow the URL on the container’s startup screen to open a Jupyter Notebook. You must be on Campus VPN to open the URL (or alternatively, use an ‘ssh-tunnel’).

To Turn In

  1. Create a private repository called DSC180A-Methodology-0
  2. Log into the jump-box server and git clone this repository. Then change directories into the repository (cd DSC180A-Methodology-0).
  3. On the jumpbox-server, run the command uname -a > uname-jumpbox.txt (this gives server info and saves it to a file called uname-jumpbox.txt.
  4. On the jump-box server, run the command echo ~ > homedir.txt.
  5. Launch a container using the script Change directories back into your repository and run the command uname -a > uname-container.txt.
  6. Open a Jupyter Notebook from the URL given on the container’s welcome screen. Copy this url [URL] and run the command echo [URL] > notebook-url.txt. This should create a file notebook-url.txt with the url inside it. You can test this by typing cat notebook-url.txt after you’ve created the file.
  7. Commit and push your changes to GitHub; submit to Gradescope.

Assignment 2

Review the last portion of Lecture 3 on ‘Structuring a Project’ and create the project structure for your result replication project.

  • create a private GitHub repository with the directories/files discussed in lecture: src, notebooks, config, references,, .gitignore,
  • Create ‘stub files’ in the directories as placeholders, as well. Stub files can be empty, but should have the correct extensions. For example, if a directory will inevitibly have python source code, place an empty file in the directory called
  • Your .gitignore file should have appropriate content.

You may find this repository useful, as an example.

Assignment 3


What is Docker? Go check the lecture slides for a formal definition and details as you work through this assignment.

But to put in very easy to understand terms, Docker is the solution to the following problem: “Incompatible library version: requires version a.b.c or later, but you currently have version x.y.z” And when you fix that something some other application breaks! Now, virtualenv does solve this problem for python packages but docker takes to the next level.

Docker provides you a sandbox (separate environment for running your applications without breaking other stuff) and not just python applications.

Now that we understand why we need docker, let’s see how to use it!

The sandbox I just mentioned is nothing but a ‘container’. Using docker you spin up a container which has all the dependencies that you require for your application. Every container is ephemeral, meaning as soon as you close the container, you lose the changes. So how do we retain the changes?

You can take a snapshot of the container and commit that, which saves all the changes that you made to the container. This snapshot is called an image. This snapshot is generally several GBs depending on the software installed.

How do you spin-up a container? Using an image.

How do you create an image? This can be done in two ways:

  • Using Dockerfile
  • By saving the changes to an already created container.

Both of these are covered in detail (with references) in lecture.


What is a Dockerfile? It is a text file containing specifications which tells docker what software to include to build the image. As you can understand, it is easier to share a dockerfile from which anyone can build an image than share the image itself.

After completing this assignment, you should be able to:

  1. Create a dockerfile with required specifications.
  2. Use that dockerfile to build an image.

Creating a Dockerfile

Generally, you don’t need to create every dockerfile from scratch. Instead, you build on existing images and add stuff that you need. In this assignment, we will use ucsdets/datascience-notebook:2021.2-stable as our base image and add a couple of software libraries that we need on top of that.

So, let’s start with an image from datahub/dsmlp and see what is already there in this image. Create an account on Dockerhub and open this. If you see the overview you will see a very long list of stuff that is already present in this image. Now, to the Dockerfile tab and give that a read. You will see that only a very small subset of the libraries are installed in the image. That is because this image is build on top of another image, jupyter/datascience-notebook:python-3.7.6 which already has most the dependencies.

We are going to create our own Dockerfile, inspired from this one, and add a couple of libraries.

Task 1: Write a Dockerfile

Create a Dockerfile using ucsdets/datascience-notebook:2021.2-stable as your base image and then add the following libraries using linux’s package manager apt-get:

And add the following libraries with conda or pip:

Note 1: There is nothing special about these libraries; we merely need you to download something!

Note 2: The examples of Dockerfiles on the last few slides of lecture, along with this tutorial referred to in lecture, should get you through these steps!

Task 2: Build a Docker Image

Create an image and launch a container using the Dockerfile and verify if all the softwares are present.

Note: testing locally on your laptop will involve pulling ~5GB of data (an entire OS) the first time you build the image. Subsequent times will be much faster! If you cannot install Docker on your laptop, you can skip to step 3; however, debugging may be more difficult.

Task 3: Pull a Docker Image

Push the image to DockerHub and launch a pod on dsmlp server using this image. Test out your environment on the pod (can you start python and import babypandas?)

Turn in your work

  • Launch a pod using your Docker Image (as in step 3) and run the following command: bash /datasets/dsc180-fa20-grading-tmp/
  • Go to gradescope and turn in both the image name and the Dockerfile. We will pull the image and test if requirements are met.

Assignment 4

In this assignment, you will start thinking of ideas for your Capstone project proposal. Please write a few sentence on each of the prompts below:

  1. The most interesting topic covered in your domain this quarter?
  2. Describe a potential investigation you would like to do for a project proposal?
  3. What is a potential change you would like to make to the approach taken in your current Q1 project?
  4. What other techniques/methods would you be interested in using in your project?

Answers to these questions will be circulated among your domain (anonymously); reading others work will be helpful in thinking about possible project.

Note: If you are in a domain where the projects are already determined, this will still be a useful exercise. Do not just answer with the project you think you are doing; give the questions thought and respond with possible related project (e.g. if you get to go further than expected with your current project, or if your currrent project doesn’t pan out).

Developing your own topic of investigation is an important skill that Data Scientist’s must have!

Assignment 5

In this assignment, you will get your Q1-project code working with test data and implement a the standard target test.

  1. Create test data, in <projectdir>/test/testdata/, according to the lecture. For this assignment, you only need to create the bare minimum of data so that your code builds the project successfully. Your test data should be in the format that most closely resembles “raw” data that your project may use (if you use an API to access data, copy the format of the data queried from the API).
  2. Implement the target test in that runs all your targets on the test data you created. (Since your project isn’t finished, it should build the output your project creates, as it currently exists).

Turn in your code to gradescope (this will be your project repository. In this submission, include a submission.json file in the root directory of your repository that contains your dockerhub repository (The format should be <user>/<image>:<tag>. The default <tag> is :latest if you don’t supply it).

    "dockerhub-id": "<user>/<image>:<tag>",
    "build-script": "<command>"

Your submission will be run on DSMLP:

  • A container will be started using the command -i <user>/<image>:<tag> using the docker image information in submission.json.
  • Once in the container, the ‘build-script’ command will be run.

For example, a submission.json file might look like:

    "dockerhub-id": "amfraenkel/fair-policing-project",
    "build-script": "python"

And the following commands would be run on DSMLP:

  • -i amfraenkel/fair-policing-project
  • python test

As this assignment encourages you to get your project-build in order early, there will be tests that don’t depend on your build to run.

Note: This assignment should readily apply to all domains.

  • Data-centered domains start with collected data (that you will model your test data after).
  • Methods domains are building algorithms that take data as input. You should choose a data type that your algorithm may input and use that to model your test data.

Note: As with every methodology assignment, you should work on this individually (discuss with your partner, but code the solution separately). Once the assignment is turned in, you can use both your test data.