
This quarter, each domain works through a central problem that introduces you to the area. Depending on the domain, you will produce either:

  1. a replication of a known result in a (published) paper, or
  2. an investigative paper, with a hands-on, data driven inquiry into a relevant question in the area.

By the end of the quarter, you will summarize the results of your work in a well-organized report that follows the norms of research papers in your domain.

Your work will go beyond mere paraprhasing of the existing work that you study:

  • Your domain may be taking a broader or narrower view than the work of any one paper. Your report will reflect the work you are doing, not the broader research that may be found in the work being studied.
  • You will likely be using data that differs from that used in the work you are studying.
  • Your conclusions may be different than the work you are studying. You should present the conclusions drawn from your data/methods and address any discrepancies with the work being studied.
  • The code supporting your work will conform to best practices in data science software development.

What is being turned in?

Work on the report comprises of:

  1. A pdf submission of the report (w/feedback given by domain mentor),
  2. The code that generates the contents of the report (w/feedback given by head instructor/TAs).

Objectives for the Q1 report

  • Carefully explaining work in your area study ensures you understand the area you’ll be working in very well, details and all. In particular you will understand how to draw a rigorous conclusion in your area.
  • Emulating finished work in your domain of inquiry encourages you to carefully consider how to effectively communicate technical ideas in your area.
  • Critically view existing methodologies and conclusions in a way that raise possible improvements to existing approaches (e.g. possible work in Q2).
  • Certain sections of your report (e.g. the literature review) will serve as a foundation for your writing in quarter 2.
  • You will get practice using tools for producing such reports.
  • Develop a library of useful code and the foundations of a code pipeline for further work in the area.

Objectives for the Q1 Code

Your Q1 Project should conform to the best practices covered in lecture. It should:

  • Produce output / be runnable via a build script and targets
  • Should be thoughtfully organized, using reusable library code
  • Should be easily runnable in any feasable environment, for example on DSMLP using a docker image.
    • If your project is dependent on a specific platform, please inquire on Piazza, but project dependencies should be handled using best practices for that environment.
  • Should be tested software, implementing a test target. This either leverages test data you’ve created (for data-driven projects) or unit and integration tests (for projects that create usable software).

The Q1 code will be run similarly to Methodology-HW-5.

Code submission specifics

Turn in your code to gradescope (this will be your project repository. In this submission, include a submission.json file in the root directory of your repository that contains your dockerhub repository (The format should be <user>/<image>:<tag>. The default <tag> is :latest if you don’t supply it).

    "dockerhub-id": "<user>/<image>:<tag>",
    "build-script": "<command>"

Your submission will be run on DSMLP:

  • A container will be started using the command -i <user>/<image>:<tag> using the docker image information in submission.json.
  • Once in the container, the ‘build-script’ command will be run.

For example, a submission.json file might look like:

    "dockerhub-id": "amfraenkel/fair-policing-project",
    "build-script": "python"

And the following commands would be run on DSMLP:

  • -i amfraenkel/fair-policing-project
  • cp <project> .
  • cd <project>
  • python test

Where <project> is the code that’s been turned into Gradescope.

Note: This assignment should readily apply to all domains.

  • Data-centered domains start with collected data (that you will model your test data after).
  • Methods domains are building algorithms that take data as input. You should choose a data type that your algorithm may input and use that to model your test data.