Mandatory Check-in

This is a mandatory meeting with a TA during week 3.


  • You must agree on an appointment time with your TA by the end of week 2.
  • You must submit the write-up for the meeting 24 hours before the meeting itself.

Given that you have been working on the project for 3 weeks now, this check-in is to make sure you that you are making progress in the right direction, are not stuck anywhere, and on track for your project checkpoint. Make an appointment with your TA and discuss the following:

  1. A short summary of, and current status of your project
  2. Any challenges you might be facing and any questions you have regarding organizing your code.

This is different from your weekly section meetings in the sense that this is more about making sure that your ideas and code are coming together cogently.

Please submit a brief write-up on Canvas:

  • Project Github repo link (should be public).
  • An abstract of your problem statement (revised proposal)
    1. This can be copied from your proposal.
    2. Idea is to capture things that have changed from what you proposed, which tends to happen once you actually start working on a problem statement.
  • Tasks completed till now.
  • Current tasks and concerns/issue if any.

Project Report Checkpoint

The project report checkpoint is an opportunity to get feedback from your domain mentor. Please check with your mentor on what is required of the checkpoint for the report.

Requirements for submission:

  • The report should be in PDF format (and will likely include all sections prior to the results and conclusion).
  • The figures in the reports should not be created from screenshots:
    • Tables should be imported from csv.
    • Plots should be saved programmatically and imported (or converted from a notebook/Rmarkdown).
  • Include a copy of your project proposal for reference in the appendix of your report (at the end).
  • In a comment on the Canvas submission, include the tasks for which each group member was responsible.

This assignment is due at the end of week 5 and is graded by your domain mentor.

Code Artifact Checkpoint

The code artifact checkpoint will be an initial code review of your project code artifact at the end of week 5. You will also be required to meet with a methodology instructor/TA during weeks 3-4 to review the requirements for this assignment, for a ‘mid-checkpoint check-in’.

This checkpoint will check that the code:

  1. is well documented and build instructions are found in a README.
  2. is structured with best-practices in your domain (and in quarter-1 methodology, where applicable).
  3. contains a test target that tests the pipeline on test data, where applicable.
  4. runs in a Docker Image on DSMLP, via python test.

You will not submit your repository. Rather, you will submit a submission.json file to gradescope that includes a link to your public GitHub repository and a link to your public Dockerhub repository.

    "GitHub Repository": "<github repo url>",
    "DockerHub Repository": "<dockerhub repo url>"

This is graded by the methodology instructor.

Visual Presentation Checkpoint

The visual presentation checkpoint requires you to write the technical scaffolding for your visual output.

You must:

  1. Create a live static webpage that contains a skeleton/outline of your project webpage. It should contain titles and headers, but does not need to contain content (i.e. you should put thought into how your webpage is organized).
  2. Turn in the code repository URL for the webpage (this is not your project GitHub repository). It is recommended that you use GitHub-Pages as covered in lecture.
  3. The in the code repository should contain the URL to your webpage, which the grader can use to visit your webpage.

This is graded by the methodology instructor and is graded P/NP. To pass this assignment, you must make reasonable effort at each of the items listed above.

Note: If you are planning on creating a website with a backend, you still must create a static website explaining your project. This is the way most people will acquaint themselves with your project. You should include a prominent link to your interactive webpage from your static page.

Presentation Checkpoint

Each group will:

  • turn in initial slides for their presentation
  • do a dry-run of their presentation with TAs.

This is graded by the methodology instructor against the rubric laid out in the ‘oral presentations’ lecture.